
Kana Arreguin
Wildwood Physical Therapy

825 NE 20th Ave #140 Portland, Oregon 97232
Wildwood Physical Therapy is a specialty clinic focusing on a variety of complex conditions including pelvic pain and dysfunction, rehab after cancer treatment, lymphedema, and nerve pain that has not responded to typical treatment. Kana Arreguin PT, DPT, OCS, CLT-LANA, co-owner at Wildwood, is a Board Certified Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, pelvic health specialist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist, and Certified STOTT Pilates Rehab Matwork and Reformer instructor. She has a degree in biology from The Ohio State University and her clinical doctorate in physical therapy from Ohio University. Kana has been practicing for over 11 years in the private practice setting. She is very dedicated to her patients and works very hard to get people pain free and back to life. Her patients appreciate her active listening skills, problem solving, and genuine eagerness to get people well. She often acts as a case manager for your injury to help you navigate different providers and coordinate care to work as a team to help you. With the variety of tools in her toolbox, she will continue to problem solve until your symptoms improve. Each session will be one-on-one with Kana for 55-60 minutes.